Laws that make you go, “Huh?”

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a “bizarre road rules” post. So, with all the news going on in the world, I thought it might be time to take a look at the lighter side of life again. Enjoy.

Sometimes, as I’m researching these, there are items I read that still cause me to pause, ponder and then give my head a good shake to remove the visual. For example, in New Hampshire (the state I proudly call home), any cattle crossing a state road must first be fitted with a device to gather its feces. I would like to say I only have one question about this, but in fact I have several, so let’s just move on.

Ordering “prank pizza” and having it delivered to a friend’s house is never a good idea. It’s a really BAD idea if you live in Louisiana. But if you do and you did, hopefully you didn’t get caught. Doing so results in a $500 fine. That’s some expensive pizza!

In Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, if a police officer approaches a parked vehicle on foot and suspects the occupants might be involved in what we used to refer to as “parking,” the officer must return to his vehicle, honk or flash his lights and then wait three minutes before re-approaching. Now, who do you suppose would be more uncomfortable at this point? If I were the officer, after honking, I’d probably just drive away.

Gentlemen, just so you know, if you ever visit Tylertown, Mississippi, it’s illegal to shave in the middle of Main Street.

If you cross the pond for a tropical Hawaiian getaway, you may notice something missing as you drive along the streets and highways. That’s because billboards are outlawed (except in specific circumstances).

Concerned about hitting a pedestrian while driving in Sarasota, Florida? Perhaps it’s the pedestrians there who should be concerned. It’s a paltry $78 fine.

I may have mentioned this one before, but Alabama has decided that it should be against the law to drive while blindfolded. Imagine that. You should NOT drive while wearing a blindfold. I will make sure that the next time I travel to the great state of Alabama, I leave my blindfold at home, just to avoid the temptation.

In Evanston, Illinois, you can’t change your clothes in a vehicle with the curtains drawn. Unless there is a fire. So, of course after reading this, I have two questions:

  1. Who has curtains in their car?
  2. Does this apply if it’s the actual vehicle that is on fire? Because if that’s the case, I’m pretty sure neither a clothing change, nor having the curtains drawn would be anyone’s first concern.

And finally, because rush hour in Palm Springs, California, must be intense, do not, for any intents and purposes, walk your camel down Palm Canyon Drive between 4 and 6 p.m. I don’t know what the fine is, but it was important enough for lawmakers to pass a law, so by all means, save everyone from the inhumanity and just don’t do it.