Cruise through a smooth lease-end transition

Mileage & wear

Understanding your responsibilities and knowing what to look for when it comes to mileage and wear before you turn in your vehicle is important. The three important steps below can reduce the risk of potential surprises at lease end.

Review your responsibilities

Regular maintenance, mileage and your vehicle’s condition are items for which you are responsible. Now is a good time to review your lease agreement to determine if you are over your agreed-upon miles and check your vehicle for repair items that may require attention.

Mileage & wear 101
Determine wear

Normal wear is expected on your lease vehicle. Excess wear, however, is your responsibility. If you don’t know where to begin in determining the difference, The Wear Table can help. It was designed with you in mind and to help avoid surprises down the road.

The wear table
Perform self-inspection

See how your car measures up with our Wear Tool. The Wear Tool is a vehicle self-inspection tool that can be used to determine areas of excess wear. The sizes outlined on The Wear Tool are representative of normal wear and use dimensions.

The Wear Tool

Mileage and wear 101

It’s important to know what to look for regarding mileage and wear before you turn in your vehicle. As stated in your Chrysler Capital Lease Agreement, mileage, the condition of your vehicle and its maintenance are your responsibility. Excessive mileage and wear will result in additional charges. At the end of your lease, you will receive a final bill. Contact us at 855-383-0558 with any questions about added fees.

Please use the following pages to:

  • Understand your mileage allowance
  • Distinguish between “normal” and “excess” wear and use


The first step in analyzing mileage is to check your Chrysler Capital Lease Agreement to confirm the total number of miles allocated for the duration of your lease. Based on your mileage allowance, excess miles will be calculated as any miles driven above the maximum miles outlined in your agreement. Your agreement also states the per-mile charge for any additional miles. If applicable, the excess mileage charge will be assessed when your vehicle is returned.


To avoid unwanted surprises, the descriptions and tables on the following pages will provide you with identifiable characteristics of normal and excess wear. Normal wear, as the name suggests, is expected and accounted for in your Chrysler Capital Lease Agreement. However, excess wear is your responsibility and will result in additional cost to you.

Normal Wear – the reasonable wear that a vehicle endures over time in day-to-day normal operation. For example:

  • Minor and expected imperfections
  • A few small door dings
  • Minor paint scratches and rock chips
  • Tire tread worn to no less than 4/32 inch

Normal wear does not result in additional charges.

Excess Wear – the degree of wear caused outside the realm of normal or ordinary wear. Occurrences including:

  • Abuse, neglect or poor maintenance
  • Damage or physical alteration
  • Use of inferior parts and materials for repair

Inflicting such damage upon your vehicle will result in additional charges at turn-in. To best protect against additional charges, repairs should be completed prior to your lease agreement ending.

Determining Wear

The Wear Table

To help determine if your vehicle has excess wear, we have provided The Wear Table. This table will give you a better idea of whether your vehicle has excess wear prior to your vehicle inspection. An approved inspection will still be required before you turn in your vehicle. You may take into consideration the condition of your vehicle when assessing which end-of-lease option works best for you.

Cracks, scrapes, scratches, dings, dents, rust/corrosion and sub-par repairs

  • Individual instances of damage over two inches if the cost to repair does not exceed $100
  • Scratches that can be buffed out during reconditioning
  • Single instances of damage two inches or less in diameter, excluding hail damage and punctures

Glass windshield

Cracks, stars or stone chips 1/2 inch or less in diameter

Glass/Lenses: lights, turn signals and lamps

Cracks two inches or less


  • Tread of at least 4/32 inch when measured at the shallowest point
  • Tire type/size must comply with manufacturer’s recommendations


Scuffs or minor nicks to wheels or wheel covers

Structural / Unibody / Frame

Absent or nonfunctional exterior parts are chargeable in all instances

Cracks, scrapes, scratches, dings, dents, rust/corrosion and sub-par repairs

  • Excess overspray, conspicuous sand/grinding marks, uneven texture or poor color match greater than two inches in diameter
  • One or more occurrences of body, bumper or molding damage greater than two inches in size
  • Punctures or cracks to painted surfaces that will exceed $100 to repair
  • All substandard repair or damage that comprises the safety or structural integrity of the vehicle
  • Any defect that reduces market appeal or impairs vehicle appearance

Glass windshield

Damage greater than 1/2 inch in diameter or any hole

Glass/Lenses: lights, turn signals and lamps

Cracks exceeding two inches

Mechanical/Electrical vehicle maintenance

  • Incomplete or subpar repairs
  • Any vehicle system/mechanical failure caused by noncompliance with manufacturer’s recommended maintenance program
  • Broken or malfunctioning equipment
  • Any replacement component that fails to meet manufacturer’s specifications


  • Tires in any condition that represents a risk to driver/passenger’s safety including cuts, sidewall plugs and gouges
  • Non-matching or improper tire sizes
  • Studded tires


  • Cracked, bent, mismatched or broken wheels or wheel covers
  • Wheels/wheel covers that are not original equipment or of equal quality, function and design

Aftermarket modifications

  • Any modification to the vehicle’s performance components, suspension or fuel system
  • Any change to paint color, non-factory paint scheme or wrapping
  • Engraved, etched or tinted glass
  • Spray-on bed liners not installed by dealer
  • This list is for reference only and may not specify all instances of chargeable vehicle modifications

Burn holes

Burn holes 1/8 inch or less in diameter

Cuts, tears and singed areas

Cuts, tears and singed areas 1/2 inch or less in diameter


Removable stains

Missing equipment or broken parts

  • Any replacement equipment that does not meet manufacturer’s specifications of comparable design, function and quality
  • Any absent equipment or damaged parts (including DVDs for the GPS system, DVD player headphones, DVD remote control, convertible boot, key fobs etc.)

Burn holes

Burn holes larger than 1/8 inch in diameter

Cuts, tears and singed areas

Tears, rips, cuts and singed areas exceeding 1/2 inch in diameter


Irremovable stains or any stain that requires replacement of upholstery or carpeting

The Wear Tool

See how your car measures up

Ideally, your vehicle will have no excess wear, but we suggest using The Wear Tool to avoid surprises that could come up during your official inspection. Acceptable sizes of various types of normal wear are noted on The Wear Tool, along with measuring guidelines to assist in performing a self-inspection.

If you identify necessary repairs, we recommend ensuring all repairs are completed by a certified mechanic and/or repair technician prior to your turn-in date.

Keep in mind, some repairs may be covered under warranty or insurance.

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Download printable wear tool