
What To Do If You Are In An Accident

No one wants to be in an accident as it can be stressful, both physically and emotionally. It is a difficult time to manage all the details between your insurer, lender and/or repair shop. Based on the terms of your contractual agreement, you must remain current with your auto loan payments. Chrysler Capital is here to help answer any questions you might have about the process.

Click below to view important questions you should ask if you are involved in an accident.

Vehicle Protection FAQs


If you need to file an insurance claim, you’ll need to contact the insurance company to begin that process. Once a claim number has been received from the insurance company, you will need to contact Chrysler Capital to advise us of the claim information. To do so, log in to MyAccount and visit the Vehicle and Insurance page. Select Claim and complete the fields to notify us of your claim.

If you are not registered for MyAccount, please register now. Only Chrysler Capital account holders may register.

Update Your Information

Chrysler Capital provides multiple options for updating insurance information on your account. Your contract includes a mandatory requirement to maintain an insurance policy which includes comprehensive and collision coverage, to have a loss payee and additional insured endorsement. Please make sure this information is correctly disclosed on the policy. Visit to update your information or submit proof of insurance.

You may also fax a copy of your current insurance policy to us at 800-713-0260 or mail it to:

For retail accounts
Chrysler Capital Lease
P.O. Box 4210
Carmel, IN 46082

For lease accounts
Chrysler Capital Finance
P.O. Box 3610
Carmel, IN 46082

If you need further assistance or have questions at any time during your insurance claims process, existing customers can log in to MyAccount to chat with a live agent or visit the Contact Us page for other contact options.