Chat with Axel for answers when you need them

Financing a vehicle has never been easier but you may still have questions about your account from time to time.

Hi! I'm Axel. How can I help?Chrysler Capital has multiple ways to help and one of the most convenient options is to chat with Axel.

But perhaps your first question is: who is Axel?

Let us tell you more.

Axel is a virtual assistant available to all customers, anytime, anywhere, through the chat icon at

It’s ready to answer short and simple questions you might have throughout the lifecycle of your account, such as:

Axel virtual assistant chat window with welcome messageHow do I make a payment?

What affects my credit score the most?

How do I request payoff information?

These questions and a whole lot more can be put to Axel by simply typing into the chat box and clicking the arrow to send. If you’d like, you can also take a quick tutorial for tips on getting the best match to your questions.

Axel will then get back to you with virtual expertise to help you on your way.

As a chat function, Axel is always being improved to more accurately answer your questions, so keep in mind that, in some cases, it may help to rephrase your question to update the response.

Is there anything that Axel can help you with now? Click or tap the chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner to ask your question.

If your question is complex or urgent, select an available button within the chat function to talk to a service agent or reach us through the details on our Contact Us page.