Month: October 2022

What is the difference between a hard credit pull and a soft credit pull?

Have you ever reviewed your emails and wondered where all the “You’re preapproved!” messages are coming from? Me too. More importantly, preapproved for what? And how? I haven’t applied for anything. Receiving preapprovals, whether via email, regular mail or any other way, has become somewhat common. And the good news is, it doesn’t impact your credit score. The bad news … well, there really isn’t … Read More

When should you check your credit report?

How often do you check your credit report? Maybe the better question is, when was the last time you checked your credit report? A regular review of your credit report is a good habit to have. Whether you are in the process of building first-time credit, repairing damaged credit or just like to make sure your information is correct, your reports are good tools to … Read More

Why you should maintain your vehicle

Whether you’re a first-time buyer, or someone who has retired many vehicles over the years, you probably know that acquiring a new ride is just one step in the life of car ownership. Driving off the lot and into the years ahead, part of your “job” as auto owner is making sure you keep your vehicle in optimum running condition. Not to mention avoiding any … Read More

15 key terms to know when buying or leasing a car

Sometimes using industry jargon becomes second nature and we forget that others don’t always speak our language. Most of us are guilty of doing it at one time or another. Like the other day when my daughter’s “dogs were barking” after her “double.” They were “slammed” and “didn’t have enough hands” all day. Thank goodness I used to wait tables or she would’ve had to … Read More