For most, buying a car is one of the most expensive investments you can make during your lifetime. Whether leasing, financing or purchasing it outright, your car is a long-term investment, deserving of the best possible care.
When you’re on a tight budget, investing in the regular maintenance of your vehicle can be overwhelming. Even seemingly impossible. But when you weigh the potential negative outcomes of driving a poorly maintained vehicle versus the cost of consistent care, you may gain a new perspective.
Consider this …
- A poorly maintained vehicle is less safe. According to Car Care News Service, 5 percent of all accidents are a result of poorly or unmaintained vehicles. This translates into a staggering $2 billion price tag that includes the cost of lost wages, medical expenses and property damage.
- Investing in regular maintenance on your vehicle can prevent or reduce costly repairs down the line. Oil changes, timing belts, brake pads and more … all are important items that can be maintained for far less than the replacement cost of rotors and drums or even an engine. If you’re wondering just how much you can save, check out the breakdown of costs here.
- Much like you, your vehicle will perform better when it’s well cared for. If you’re not getting the same fuel economy you were when you first purchased your vehicle, you may want to ask yourself when the last time your vehicle had a checkup was.
- Resale value typically increases. Think about it – if/when you’re in the market for a used vehicle, would you be more inclined to purchase the one with meticulous maintenance records or the one that leaves even an experienced mechanic scratching his head in wonder that it’s still running? If you want a well-maintained vehicle, it’s logical to expect others want the same.
If you’re a first-time car owner and are unsure where to begin, start by talking to a trusted mechanic. Together, you can make a list of items that are more urgent than others so you can prioritize the expense.
For a more extensive list of car care tips, visit and start protecting your investment today.