Are you among the many who have your holiday shopping complete? Congratulations. I am not. And no, I’m not jealous. Not even a little. Nope, not one teeny, tiny, itty, little bit.
If you have your shopping complete AND you have everything wrapped, however … now I might be a bit envious of your efficiency. It is quite likely I will be pulling out the gift wrap, tape and bows to get all mine done just hours before the UNwrapping begins.

Luckily, I have run across a gift-wrapping hack or two in my day to make things easier. If you’re looking for some tips of your own, try some of these!
- Do you love to give the gift of homemade treats during the holidays? I learned a sweet trick awhile back from Make it easier to transport your delicious delights by using an empty aluminum foil (plastic wrap, wax paper … you see where I’m going here) box. Paint the exterior a festive color, line the inside with wax paper, place your tasty treats inside and tie it closed with a piece of ribbon.
Giving the gift of cash this year? Make it more interesting by rolling up the dough and placing it inside a festive, transparent balloon. Add some holiday confetti, blow up the balloon, knot it and tie some curling ribbon onto it for a blow-their-mind great gift.
- You know how duct tape can fix (nearly) anything? Well, guess what? It can fix your gift-wrapping woes too. Any of the brightly colored or patterned duct tape options, crisscrossed across a plain, white box (seams on the bottom, please!) can make for a simple, yet beautifully “wrapped” gift. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, try making a duct tape bow to go on top!
- Instead of gift tags this year, print cute or funny photos of everyone who is receiving a gift from you and attach them to the packages instead!
- Plastic ornaments, a glitter pen and some plain old twine can give a gift some quick and easy “rustic glam.” Simply write the recipient’s name (or initials) on the ornament with the glitter pen and, once it’s dry, use the twine to tie it to your package and … voila! You have a unique, combination bow/gift tag all in one.
While these may come in most handy this time of year, keep these ideas in mind for the next birthday, anniversary, wedding or other gift-giving occasion that pops up on your calendar.
For now, however, that’s a wrap!