Sadly, football season has come to a close. With the big game looming in just a few days, this year’s contest is between two teams who, while outstanding, lack devoted followers living in my house.

No jerseys will be worn. No pacing will be done. No yelling at the officials or gasping at the poor play calling. (Well, that may actually still happen. It is football, after all.)
This being said, the subject of which team to cheer for has been a topic of conversation.
One suggestion was that you always support your conference. I can understand and appreciate this one. For the most part, I could see myself going along with it, with the exception of a couple teams.
Of course, if you’re going to support your conference that can easily lead to the bigger quandary of whether or not you cheer for a division rival. To say this question can lead to some heated debates MIGHT be the understatement of the year. (Of course, we’re only a few weeks in, so take that as you wish.)
To get a better perspective of other football fans’ thoughts on the subject, I got online. Turning to (where else?) I asked the question and got some quite colorful answers. Most share the opinion of this respondent whose name has since been deleted, so I cannot even give him/her proper credit:
You’re joking? The rest of the division can tear the Lombardi trophy from my cold, lifeless hands.
Some have a soft spot for one or two of their division rivals, and may consider supporting a win for them (depending on who they’re playing). But nearly every fan has a strong aversion for at least one team in their division.
All of this time and energy spent and I still don’t have an answer regarding which team I should root for this weekend. I’m good with either team winning. Neither is a division rival to my beloved squad.
While I can appreciate the “support your conference” perspective, this is just an unnecessary instance of putting our household at odds.
This year, I think I’m going to simply enjoy a stress-free game and watch for the commercials. Several have been leaked and so far I have yet to see that one that everyone will be talking about the next morning.
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) remains as tight-lipped as ever, not leaking a peep. Historically, FCA makes three appearances of epic proportions. If I were a betting woman, I’d wager 2016 will be no different.
Go team FCA!