Month: January 2023

How do I know if my vehicle has a recall?

When it comes to vehicle recalls, U.S. law requires that affected owners be notified via first class mail. However, circumstances may occur where a recall notice does not reach the right person. For example, if you move and don’t update your address on your vehicle registration, it’s possible you won’t receive the notification. Another example is, after purchasing a used vehicle, it can take some time … Read More

How to calculate the gas cost of a trip

It’s easy to jump in the car and just drive, but when you’re taking a road trip or even starting a new commute, a little planning goes a long way. Calculating the gas cost of your trip is a smart trick to budget travel expenses, and there are a couple of routes you can take. One is doing it by hand, which can be completed … Read More

How to trade in a car with negative equity

When you owe more than your vehicle is worth but still intend to trade in – and plenty of people do – then planning your next steps will help you to get the most out of the deal.* Learn how you can approach it, below. Rolling over your negative equity In this situation, it’s common for negative equity to be rolled into financing for the … Read More

9 Key terms to help you trade in your vehicle

Have you ever been at the store and not known how much something was because it was in the wrong section? I found my favorite popcorn at a store I don’t normally visit. I asked an associate how much it was. He started talking about SKUs and PLUs and I had no idea what he was talking about. I got my popcorn. But it made … Read More

14 Key terms to help with your next auto lease

I recently had a meeting with some web developers. While I knew they were speaking English, I had no idea what they were saying. Jargon can be very frustrating, especially if you’re leasing a car. Understanding what you’re reading and hearing can be a total gamechanger. With that in mind, it might be a good idea to remember some key terms if you’re in the … Read More

16 Key terms to help you with your next vehicle purchase

Have you ever talked to someone only to then realize you had no idea what they were saying? During a recent conversation with my plumber, I heard the word “flange” and it all went downhill from there. Jargon can be very frustrating, especially if you’re buying a car. Understanding what you’re reading and hearing can be a total gamechanger. With that in mind, it might … Read More