Car Ownership

News and tips related to being an automobile driver and owner

Essential ingredients for a fantastic fall road trip

Fall is the best time of year for a road trip. It’s not too hot. It’s not too cold. The days tend to be bright and sunny, with crisp mornings that beg for a really good cup of hot coffee (or cocoa), just before you begin your trip. Whether you’re destination-bound or just out for a Sunday drive, there are a few things that can … Read More

Laws that make you go, “Huh?”

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a “bizarre road rules” post. So, with all the news going on in the world, I thought it might be time to take a look at the lighter side of life again. Enjoy. Sometimes, as I’m researching these, there are items I read that still cause me to pause, ponder and then give my head a good shake to … Read More

Six essential ingredients for a fantastic football tailgate

I love football season. I also love tailgating. But unless you’re somewhat of a professional tailgater, it can be a lot of work. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather get out there and have some fun than be cooking and/or running after things. So, after a few learning experiences of my own, here are a few key items that I’ve learned can really … Read More

Before cell phones we called them car phones

There are so many things today that, while prevalent during my formative years, don’t exist anymore – floppy disks, cassette tapes and coin-operated payphones, to name a few. These are all items that, when mentioned at the dinner table, cause a look of confusion on our 11-year-old daughter’s face. Let’s take a moment, now, to remember the car phone. Ah, the car phone.   Do … Read More

Football season is here!

September is the start of fall, fall means football and football is BACK! Tonight kicks off the 2017 season and I could not be more excited. (Well, maybe if my team were playing, but I digress …) That means it’s time for some lip-smacking, tailgating fun along with some good-natured smack-talk between fans of rival teams. It’s time for armchair quarterbackin’. It’s time for yelling … Read More

Four things my husband taught me about backseat driving

I used to drive a lot. A few years ago, it was nothing for me to jump in the car and drive three or four hours to spend the day with some friends before heading back home that evening. These days, though, I’m good with my spot in the passenger seat. Even when we take my truck, I’m good with sitting back and letting my … Read More

Private sounds positively perfect – or does it?

When you’re out driving around, how often do you think about the road on which you’re actually driving? As long as the weather is clear, snow isn’t in the forecast and there isn’t an obstruction blocking your path, there really isn’t anything to consider. Or is there? Until recently, outside of complaining about the potholes on I-35 (really, if you’ve EVER driven through Dallas you … Read More