Most schools officially got out for the holiday break yesterday. College students are home. Many who put in for holiday vacation time have logged out and won’t step back in their office until next year. Now what? Are you headed somewhere for the holidays or are family and friends coming your way? What does “home for the holidays” look like to you? According to AAA’s … Read More
Car Ownership
News and tips related to being an automobile driver and owner
A day in the life of an auto writer
The other day I was explaining what I do to someone I had recently met. I could tell by the look on their face that they thought I had the most boring job on earth. They didn’t actually say the words, but they were wondering what there could possibly be going on in auto finance to write about on a daily basis. Later, I was … Read More
Holiday gift-wrapping hacks that anyone can handle
Are you among the many who have your holiday shopping complete? Congratulations. I am not. And no, I’m not jealous. Not even a little. Nope, not one teeny, tiny, itty, little bit. If you have your shopping complete AND you have everything wrapped, however … now I might be a bit envious of your efficiency. It is quite likely I will be pulling out the … Read More
Four tips to stay safe on the road this winter
Recently I was chatting with friends of mine who live in Manhattan and they were marveling at the fact that just a couple of weeks ago it was 80 degrees outside. In November. In New York City. Keep in mind we were having this conversation as snow was falling all around us and we were shivering in the cold. Fall of 2017 did have some … Read More
Quick and easy road trip hacks that every holiday traveler should know
According to AAA estimates, about 89 percent of the millions of holiday travelers on the road will be traveling 50 miles or more to reach loved ones. So, when you’re one of 45+ million trying to reach family and friends, how do you make the traveling adventure better, more fun, easier and potentially safer for all involved? You incorporate a few quick and easy holiday … Read More
Holiday dishes that travel
It’s the beginning of the holiday season and all the traditional eats are right around the corner. If you’re traveling and volunteered (or were volunteered by someone else) to bring your best dish, did you consider what the travel time can do to your recipe? Or whether there will be room in the oven to cook or reheat your tasty tidbits once you arrive? Don’t … Read More
Look no further – we’ve got your last-minute Thanksgiving Day ideas
My daughter is traveling to Dallas for Thanksgiving this year. We knew this and planned her travel well in advance, but airline ticket pricing and the lack of available seats was astonishing. I don’t know why I was so shocked. I know it’s the most traveled holiday of the year. Airports, bus stations, highways … every means of transportation will be congested as Americans make … Read More
To stop or not to stop — the uncertainty of blacked-out traffic lights
Recent storms that rolled through New England sparked an interesting (and passionate!) conversation around traffic signals and power outages in our household. As my husband attempted to make his way to a job nearly 45 minutes away, he crossed the path of several traffic lights that were out. Treating them as if they were a four-way stop, he watched in amazement as others flew through … Read More
Great Halloween costumes for your … car?
The National Retail Federation (NRF) estimates that Americans will spend $9.1 billion on Halloween this year. And you can bet that the largest percentage of that will go toward costumes – some even for the four-wheeled family members. Dressing up your car for Halloween may sound strange to some, but to others, not so much, and DIYing a costume just might be easier that you … Read More
Drop the top – ‘tis the season to get out and enjoy your convertible
As I look outside my office window at the trees with their changing colors, I think to myself, “Self, you should own a convertible.” Then, reality sets in, in the form of a light smack to the back of the head and a loving, “Stop talking to yourself in the third person,” from the wife. Living in an area where others go for vacation (the … Read More