Car Ownership

News and tips related to being an automobile driver and owner

Life is better in a convertible

My dad once told me that everyone should own a convertible at least once in their lifetime. Why? Because life is better in a convertible. Let’s think about that. First, when was the last time you ever saw an unhappy person driving a convertible. That’s right. Never. Next, consider your daily/weekly routine. How much fun are the errands you run each week? While necessary, running … Read More

Pothole problems are a positively unpleasant part of spring

According to the calendar, spring is here. Some of the best parts about spring include blossoming trees, longer, warmer days, the start of the professional baseball season and, of course, who could forget spring break? But, along with the good comes the bad – allergies, bugs, the never-ending mud you get when the snow melts and spring rains begin and, of course, the dreaded spring … Read More

The making of a motor head

  I’m pretty sure every child goes through a fascinated-with-motorized-things phase. Even if it’s just the color of cars and trucks they see on the road, there is some level of interest. Our daughter went through a yellow-vehicle phase where we found ourselves trying to be the first to call one out by yelling, “Skittle!” (Her game, her rules.) This happened every time we were … Read More

Enjoy a spring break that doesn’t break the bank

Spring break is right around the bend. While enjoying the sand and sun at an exotic beach location or hitting the slopes at a popular ski resort may sound appealing, such options are not financially feasible for everyone. Especially if you happen to be broke (or simply thrifty) and on a budget. Being on a budget, however, does not mean that a memorable spring break … Read More

Is 200,000 the new 100,000?

Vehicles are lasting longer these days. How much longer? Well, that depends on a variety of factors, but in 2016, the average age of light vehicles in operation on the roads increased to 11.6 years, according to IHS Markit. When I bought my Ram 1500 a few months back, I did so with the intention of driving it “until the wheels fall off,” as the … Read More

When it comes to excuses for speeding, creativity is key

Do you recall your first traffic ticket? Whether for speeding or some other offense, you likely watched the officer approach your vehicle, all the while wondering if you had any chance of getting off with only a warning. How many potential excuses ran through your mind during those fleeting moments? Ten? Twenty? It’s amazing how creative we can become when we have to, isn’t it? … Read More

What do you mean AWD and 4WD are not the same?

It’s a common myth that all-wheel drive (AWD) and four-wheel drive (4WD) are the same. Shoppers, as well as some sales associates, use the terms interchangeably for what are, actually, two different systems. The mechanical differences between AWD and 4WD are significant, and most would consider them complicated. I prefer to keep things nice and easy. That’s why I’ve found, in most instances, it’s better … Read More

Let your passion for design drive you

April 28, 2017, is a special day. For me, it’s my daughter’s birthday. For aspiring young artists who love drawing and designing vehicles, it marks the submission deadline for FCA’s fifth annual Drive for Design contest. If you’ve never heard of the contest before, it is an invitation for high school students (grades 10-12) across the country to design, draw and enter their vision of … Read More