To most, the idea of putting the top down as the weather turns a bit chillier may sound ridiculous. But here are seven reasons why autumn is the best time to drop the top: Gone are the scorching hot days of summer. With milder temperatures and plenty of bright sunshine, a more enjoyable ride can be had by all. Any chill in the air can … Read More
Car Ownership
News and tips related to being an automobile driver and owner
Kickin’ up dirt at Crankworx
Gravity-fuelled. An interesting phrase. It sparks images of a high-speed, heart-pounding plummet that doesn’t always have a great ending. At face value, it’s not necessarily something I would want to experience. However, put that same phrase together with “mountain biking” and now you’ve got my attention. If you’re a mountain-biking enthusiast, chances are you are familiar with the likes of the terrains and trails in … Read More
Don’t forget Fido on your family trip
Summer is wrapping up and soon school will be starting. That means it’s time for one last epic family trip. If your family is anything like mine, your four-legged family members are just as much a part of these trips as everyone else. Just like traveling with kids, roving with Rover requires preparation and planning. Even an impromptu road trip is a bit less spontaneous … Read More
Vehicle considerations for your college student
If you have a child headed off to college this fall, you may be debating the car issue – does the car go or does it stay? There is no “right” answer to this question. Every situation for every student is different and the quandary doesn’t just apply to freshmen, although it seems to be a more-talked-about topic for first-year students. A good place to … Read More
12 little-known facts about license plates
Every vehicle owner is required to display license plates on his/her vehicle. But did you know that wasn’t always the case? New York was the first state to require vehicles bear a license plate (1901), but Massachusetts was the first state to have state-issued plates (1903). Prior to implementing state-issued plates, New York residents made their own, displaying their initials on the identifying tag. The … Read More
Six tips from
The other day, a friend of mine posted a picture of her child headed out for her first day of kindergarten. My first thought, after marveling at how quickly time flies was, “Is it really time for kids to be going back to school already?!?!?” While most kids still have a couple weeks before the back-to-school rush really hits, the new school year is quickly … Read More
Summer sun heats up vehicle safety precautions
The dog days of summer are definitely upon us. Record heat in recent weeks has caused much of the nation to stay indoors with the air conditioner on high. Since not everyone can stay home when the sun is on full blast, now seems like a good time to review a few key points of vehicle safety and the summer heat. The Center for Disease … Read More
What does your bumper sticker say about you?
Depending on who you ask, car bumpers were originally designed to either push in-the-way objects (such as farm animals) out of the way or to protect the vehicle in the case of front or rear impact. Either way, I’m quite certain they were never intended to profess a political affiliation, brag about how smart your kids are or provide any number of reasons to honk … Read More
Patriotic places to celebrate this Independence Day
It seems that every year (for that matter, every major holiday) the projected number of people traveling makes for another “record year.” This year, AAA is crediting the lowest gas prices since 2005 as the No. 1 reason they expect more than 36 million people to hit the roads for Fourth of July plans this year. That’s nice. Where is everyone going? For Independence Day, … Read More
I just bought my first Jeep® Wrangler!
Before we moved from the Dallas area to New Hampshire, we knew we would be living in a more rugged area. The house we ultimately chose is located on an unmaintained road in the Belknap Mountains. Our two-door sports car wasn’t going to cut it. Needless to say, we sold it. (Insert sad face here.) But that left us with one vehicle and my husband’s … Read More