When I was little, an electric car sounded like something along the lines of a spaceship. It was something so far-fetched and so far off in the future…it was almost laughable. Yet here it is, 2014, and not only do they exist, almost anyone can afford an electric vehicle. Affordable is not generally a word used to describe electric vehicles. In fact, right about now … Read More
Car Ownership
News and tips related to being an automobile driver and owner
Leasing vs. Buying – Why is it a question?
It seems like the minute you buy something these days it’s outdated. You buy a smartphone and a month later there is something smarter. You buy a notebook that is so thin you can practically see through it and sure enough, they come up with something thinner. You buy the biggest big screen they have and JUST before the big game, Jumbotron hits the market. … Read More
The Car-Buying Experience – Not so scary after all
I read a lot of online articles about the car-buying experience and “how to beat the system.” Like almost any topic you can research online, some articles provide fairly decent advice, some are amusing and some are cringe-worthy. Given my time in the industry, I can pick out the cringe-worthy information pretty easily. Or maybe it’s because of the time I’ve spent doing this job … Read More
Final Round at the Ram Rodeo
There are moments when a second seems like an eternity. Then there are times when it’s gone by so fast you could swear you’ve barely blinked. How often can you say you’ve experienced both in the same night? I can tell you without a doubt that anyone attending the Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo on Saturday night most certainly did. At 3.3 seconds, it seems … Read More
Timing is everything at the Ram Rodeo
It’s time! It’s finally here! No, it’s not Christmas or my birthday, so you can stop checking your calendar. It’s the Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo and it feels like it took FOREVER to get here. Events start today and run through Saturday night at the Lazy E Arena in Guthrie, Oklahoma. Participants from across the country will be competing for some of the biggest … Read More
Is regular vehicle maintenance a thing of the past?
If you’re like most people, you probably follow the age-old advice handed down for generations and begrudgingly make regular trips to have your vehicle’s oil changed every 3,000-3,500 miles. If you’re a rebel, you might push it to 4,000 miles. But in today’s vehicles, is this necessary? Is regular vehicle maintenance a thing of the past? The idea of “too frequently” changed oil was recently … Read More
Mötley Crüe and Dodge and Hot Summer Nights
It’s not like any true fan needs a reason to see Mötley Crüe on their final tour this summer, but just in case anyone is looking for one, the Dodge Power Rallye Tour will be making pit stops at select concert events. Stop by, see the Crüe, test drive a new Dodge. And don’t forget to get the T-shirt. Sounds like a perfect summer night … Read More
Eight Seconds to Score a New Ram Truck
Say “rodeo” to the average, everyday person on the street and the image that immediately comes to almost every person’s mind is bull riding. Of course it is. It’s fast-paced and exciting and dangerous. And you never really know what you’re going to get. Neither do the bull riders, who are all too familiar with the saying, “It’s not IF you get hurt, it’s WHEN.” … Read More
Creating the Perfect Ram Truck for Fallon
Much has been made about Detroit’s big three taking to Twitter to seduce Jimmy Fallon when he announced last week that he is interested in spending some of his Tonight Show salary on a new truck. To his credit, Fallon admitted to knowing nothing about trucks (it was pretty obvious) and stated that he wants to take his time choosing which one to buy. As … Read More
Not my first rodeo? – RAM Rodeo series, part 2
It feels like ages since I started this series, about the rodeo, but in truth it was just last month. I’ve learned a lot since then, attending a couple events and reading nearly everything I could get my hands on. Don’t get me wrong—I’m certainly no expert, but when I recently took a friend who had never been to a rodeo, I felt pretty good … Read More