Driving a manual transmission vehicle was never high on my list of things I wanted to do in my life. In fact, when reviewing my “must-haves” for my first car, I remember telling my dad, under no uncertain terms could it be a “stick.” So what did I end up with? What was, back then, referred to as a “four-speed on the floor” and some … Read More
Car Ownership
News and tips related to being an automobile driver and owner
Does your new vehicle have a spare tire?
A few weeks ago, I asked several co-workers if they knew how to change a tire. The results of my informal survey were not surprising. You can make an educated guess, based on gender and age and you would probably be right. (Apologies to my female, millennial co-workers, but learning how to properly use a jack and tire iron obviously was not a top priority … Read More
Make Thanksgiving travel plans a breeze
There are some times of year when traveling simply cannot be avoided and for many of us that is Thanksgiving. While staying home, kicking back and watching football in the ol’ Lazy Boy sounds appealing, we all know that’s just not going to happen. Alleviate some of the traditional Thanksgiving stress by trying something new this year: Choose alternative travel days. It will come as … Read More
Mobile donations and the holiday season
With the end of 2015 on the horizon, a new vehicle may be on your wish list. If your intention is to replace one that has seen better days, perhaps you could complete someone else’s wish list by donating your old vehicle. Consider this: Your current vehicle may be worth more as a tax deduction than a trade, if it is in need of repairs. … Read More
The man, his Jeep® and a song …
Sometimes it all starts with the need for a change. Sometimes it starts with a love for old cars. In Chris Stapleton’s case, it was a little of both and the end result has catapulted him to a level of stardom of which most only dream. Last week, the Kentucky-born native blew away everyone watching the Country Music Awards (CMAs) as he performed with … Read More
Seven steps to winterizing your vehicle today
Winter is right around the corner. In fact, snow has already graced some of us with its unwelcomed presence. It’s time to put away the shorts and t-shirts, pull out the sweaters and winterize the vehicles. Without further ado, and starting from the bottom up, here are a few things you may want to check: Check your tires. Is the pressure correct? How is the … Read More
The replace or repair riddle – what is the answer?
A friend of mine is going through what I refer to as the “but it’s paid off” conundrum right now. Why is it a conundrum? Because most of the time when she turns the key of her current vehicle, she also crosses her fingers that it will start. Her vehicle is older and high mileage. She’s taken care of it over the years, but … Read More
Scarily easy tips for a safer Halloween

Ah, Halloween. That wonderful time of year when there’s a chill in the air, the leaves are changing and the streets are filled with little goblins hyped up on sugar. With trick-or-treat night pending in many cities across the nation, it’s a good time to check off the list of safety dos and don’ts, including some of the basics that we take for granted from … Read More
Distracted driving isn’t what it used to be
It wasn’t long ago you used to see campaigns for designated drivers. Today, our concerns for drunk driving have taken somewhat of a back seat to technology. For five days this month, Kelley Blue Book (KBB) conducted a survey regarding safety concerns that impact today’s every-day driver. Members of KBB’s Blue Ribbon Panel completed the surveys and, of the 1,281 responses received, 97 percent selected … Read More
The lighter side of life
With scandals fueling the automotive news sections of late, perhaps it’s time to take a look at the lighter side. Yes, folks, it’s time to revisit one of my favorite subjects – those outrageously obscure (and funny) rules of the road. In no particular order (except basically east to west) and for no particular reason (except that sometimes it’s good to read stuff that makes … Read More